Sunday, December 02, 2007

we heart thanksgiving

so it's a little late but i put up some shots from my Montana Thanksgiving. In between puking and freezing I had a good time. I'm better now.

carol had a fun pre-Thanksgiving bash replete with Guitar Hero (3?) and Keith T. came out that same weekend to hash out the We Heart Owen song and lay the groundwork for a possible move to the Bay Area.

check out for my latest review, She's the Man (baby).

Trying to write lyrics to MP+TC songs, which is fun. I'm trying for something more tasteful than Invicta's power ballads ("Hardcore addiction to softcore porn"), yet still as true ("Hearts don't beat the same). We opened for them at C+J's the other night. It went well, despite Micah and Tre's forgetting my effects pedals and cables and guitar strap. Props to Invicta's lead guitarist for changing my Floyd Rose string so quickly. Gotta get me a different backup guitar, one whose strings I can actually change.

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