Saturday, December 08, 2007

saturday morning constitutional

i went a-searching for a violin
what i found to my chagrin
was 12 ladies howlin'
11 fluourescents glowing
10 men conniving
9 volunteers helping
8 chairs grinding
7 smiles grinning
6 students learning
5 actions pending
4 ladies pregnant
3 languages spoken
2 stalls filthy
and a cockateel in the man's jacket next to me.

I went to the main library for a free once-a-month legal clinic, held in the Latino Community Room i.e. the basement. i wanted to get the ATM video to see who took my violin. My lawyer said my only options are to "harass the police," to check pawn shops, and the DA, to get the video.

The lawyer told me her sob story - her mother's empty home was "hot robbed" after her death and an important ring and other things taken.

Other tales from the underground:

  • A guy next to me, sixty-something, with a big white goatee, black leather paperboy-type cap pulled low, and heavy use of slang, will fight for himself "on constitutional grounds" after he violated parole by going to Las Vegas.

  • a black lady says her house is so moldy her new suit got moldy a month after she bought it. she's trying to get out but the landlord won't give her the deposit until she moves, which she can't do until she has money to move.

  • another older woman, inspired by the first ever class action lawsuit for sexual harassment depicted by the movie North Country, is seeing her options to get a man to delete the inaccurate information about her on his website. He says she still works at a university in SF where she no longer does, and mentioned something about a plagiarism allegation.

So it goes.

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