Monday, July 13, 2009

goings on

Life Digest has some catching up to do.

Pete and Britt spent a lovely July 4th weekend underneath, and above, the Golden Gate Bridge at Cavallo Point. This brownfield site was Fort Baker, but is now a fancy hotel/lodge/spa. The weather is surprisingly pleasant for its location on the edge of the Western hemisphere. My father paid, mother invited us. We dined at the restaurant on the grounds. Pete had foraged porcini salad and Point Reyes grass-fed beef, while Britt ate young greens salad with strawberries and wild boat salmon. Yum x 1000 = Murray Circle. Other members of Pete and Britt's casually dressed party of eight pissed off the waiter by trying to pronounce the name of a certain wine, and tried to keep their utensils even though they weren't supposed to, evidently.

This past weekend P+B went to Truckee and stayed with James and Tina. Britt read from the Twilight series while Pete and James hiked. Then everyone watched 16 and Pregnant all night, every night.

Planned is a trip to San Diego, hitting all the sites in between, including the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Hearst Castle, the Mystery Spot, and the Salton Sea.

Sail on!

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