Thursday, March 12, 2009

spring break

it's never too late to blog my spring break. so far, i've played hours of New SMB for DS, beating the game once and proceeding to unlock level 4, a couple warp cannons and shortcuts, and catch many golden coins. I plan to continue getting the coins, as they are something I can accomplish without the aid of a walkthrough. This way I still feel I am accomplishing something cool while preserving some sense of curiosity and discovery.

Princess Britt helps me all the time. All of our wrists hurt.

Break has gone well, with wonderful weather and many walks. I visited Menlo Park, where I ate at Hobee's, and picked up some fresh lemons and oranges. Back in SF, I drank a lot of good coffee and got together with friends. Sunday night dinner, with Keith and Arie, was pan-Asian themed, with fish, rice, light salad, Sapporo, soju, instant miso soup, broccoli and cauliflower, and Polly Ann's mango and coconut popsicles from Richmond New May Wah Supermarket. We then watched Waking Life.

On Monday, Britt aced her midterm, she claims. More importantly, I defrosted the freezer, even though this is the kind "you don't have to defrost." Years of ice caked on the elements formed a formidable foe, but I attacked with metal spoons, knife, and can opener, assisted by pots and pans of boiling water, and succeeded in defrosting the lower half. A partial victory, but one I relish. I quit when an ice chip flew into my right eye.

Lukashenko, moonlit trust walks to Starbucks and back, stargazing, and a couple books (White Teeth, Memories of My Melancholy Whores) as well as the BBC version of White Teeth fill my nights.

Off to experiment with bike routes to school!

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