Monday, December 22, 2008


yesterday was our surprise holiday family outing day. the only instructions were to wear gym shorts and shoes, and give up your Sunday from 11-4.

first, we went to the Circus Center in SF for a flying trapeze session with three instructors.

the whole thing is set up in a big old gym near Kezar Stadium. first you sign your life away on a waiver, then, when it's your turn, you climb a 30-40 foot ladder and maneuver onto this little platform. There's a big net below, but not while you're climbing the ladder!

Once you're in position, they say ready, you bend your knees, then it's "Hep!" That means jump! Swinging, you wait for the next cue, to put up your legs. Finally you take your hands off the bar and swing upside down, with back arched, and knees over the bar.

the first time i went up i totally cheated and did all the stuff they showed us without waiting for them to tell me to. i got what i deserved, though, by doing this giant belly flop onto the net while everyone laughed at me. the second time i followed instructions and it was better.

the last time i went it was for the big Catch. The youngest instructor climbed onto another trapeze, swinging back and forth about 25 feet in front of me. he gave the instructions, the timing was perfect, and he caught me as I swung with my arms out!

Rad. Everyone did it except for my youngest sis. We're all paying for it with sore muscles today. Next we went to Andronico's to buy food to donate to St. Anthony's. Finally, we had a big lunch at the Beach Chalet. The view of Ocean Beach was pretty despite the rain.

It was a fun day.

1 comment:

Brittany O., the writer formerly known as FRANK said...

that was F-U-N! Although my body is saying another f-word right now.