Saturday, September 13, 2008

boli looks for new via

Three American ambassadors to Latin American countries were expelled in the past week or so. bolivia, venezuela and honduras. the first two i understand - the US is none too pleased with indigenous-people-liking, state-power asserting honchos with their hands on plenty of gas reserves -- petrol in Venezuela and natural gas in Boli.

Bolivia is seriously threatened with secession of the eastern states. They are the ones rich in oil reserves. They oppose Evo Morales, the first indigenous leader of the country's history, who wishes to spread the oil wealth to some of the indios, the indigenous inhabitants of the western states.

My friend Numayr sent me a PDF of propaganda from Bolivian politicos aligned with Evo Morales, the coca-leaf-grower turned president. Incidentally, Morales spoke to our class when I studied abroad there in 2001. The PDF doesn't show much proof of US conspiracy in the secession of the eastern states, but gets the point across that Goldberg, the former ambassador, has a little too much knowledge of how to split up states for coincidence. He played a lead role in the breakup of Serbia/Montenegro and Kosovo.

here's a decent commentary in Alternet from some Venezuelan gov't PR hack

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